Friday, September 3, 2010

Irrigation Engineering

Irrigation; is defined as the means of artificial supply of water to the soil for raising crops. It is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system to fit natural conditions. It is the engineering of controlling and harnessing the various natural sources of water, by the construction of dams and reservoirs, canals and finally distributing the water to the agricultural fields. Irrigation engineering  includes the study and design of works in connection with river control, drainage of water-logged areas, and generation of hydroelectric power.

Irrigation engineering

Necessity of Irrigation ;
India is basically an agricultural country, and all its resources depend on the agricultural output. Water is evidently the most vital element in the plant life. Water is normally supplied to the plants by nature through rains. However, the total rainfall in a particular area may be either insufficient, or ill-timed. in order to get the maximum yield, it is essential to supply the optimum quantity of water, and to maintain correct timing of water. This is possible only through a systematic irrigation system-by collecting water during the periods of excess rainfall and releasing it to the crop as and when it is needed. Thus the necessity of irrigation can be summarized below,

Less Rainfall:
When the total rainfall is less than needed for the crop, artificial supply is necessary. In such a case, irrigation work may be constructed at a place where more water is available, and then to convey the water to the area where there is deficiency of water.

Non-Uniform Rainfall:
The rainfall in a particular area may not be uniform over the crop period. During the early periods of the crop, rain may be there, but no water may be available at the end, with the result that either the yield may be less, or the crop may die altogether.

Commercial crops with additional water:
The rainfall in a particular area may be sufficient to raise the usual crops, but more water may be necessary for raising commercial and cash crops.

Controlled water supply:
By the construction of proper distribution system, the yield of the crop may be increased.

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